Berdan Paving Ltd. for Residential & Commercial Projects
Berdan Paving Ltd is a family owned and operated business. At Berdan Paving we take pride in every job we do big or small. Berdan Paving specializes in parking lots, driveways, line painting and tennis courts. Our experienced staff strive to provide the best quality finished product for you to enjoy!
We’ve Got Your Project Covered
At Berdan Paving Ltd. we know you rely on smooth and reliable paving for high property values and neighbourhood safety. That’s why we provide professional quality asphalt work to homeowners in the Southwestern Ontario region. With nearly four decades of experience, our professionals have a wealth of knowledge on all aspects of paving. Whether you need a new driveway or a cap on your existing driveway, you can trust us to do it right. Ready to schedule your project? Call now!
Helping Residential & Commercial Clients
Whether you’re a home or business owner, Berdan Paving Ltd. is ready for your paving project. We’ll gladly apply asphalt for any purpose including:
- Driveways
- Parking Lots
- Tennis Courts
Once the asphalt is set, we can paint lines or any other markings you desire. Want to make your asphalt last longer? Ask us to seal it. Want to limit damage caused by the freeze and thaw cycle? Have us remove the snow!
9260 Springwater Road, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2R4